For maybe the last two years of so, I’ve always felt a bit bad that I’ve got this little parcel of server generously gifted to me, and yet haven’t done anything with it.
The idea of making a personal blog has been on my mind for a long time (pretty much ever since I left twitter back in 2020) but I never got around to doing it due to:
- Laziness
- A perceived lack of time
- Me getting too hung up on technological constraints and implementations detail
The last point is arguably the biggest setback I encountered, I did an attempt using angular some maybe-9-months-ago but only built a framework to manage content without any content to talk of.
Thinking that I could only build a blog with backend code and a database (obviously Mmaker isn’t crazy enough to grant me THAT kind of access to his server), I thought the only option left was to over-engineer an unsustainable pile of Javascript to create front-end content-management.
Enters HUGO
Lachrymal once mentioned to me that Mmaker’s website was made with HUGO, looking further into it, this seemed like a fairly good solution, though I didn’t know at the time if I could get a website working without any backend code or manipulation on the server, and for some reason, never tried to know… Until tonight.
Low and behold, HUGO seems to perfectly meet my requirements, I can build the site on my end, and then send it to the servers. So after a fairly easy install, here I am, typing this.
I still don’t know much about GO and HUGO, but decided to not fall for the same trap twice, this time, content comes before technicalities.
What will this site be about
I plan to turn this site into some sort of personal blog, posting about whatever whenever, the main topics discussed will probably be about:
- 音mads
- Programming (mostly how it can fit in the process of creation, not gonna bore you to death with another rambling about this site’s templating solution)
- Other stuff I like, I’m not too sure myself, but basically some stuff you’d see me post on social media, but in a longer, and hopefully more interesting, format
My objectives with this site
Honestly I’m just doing it to talk about stuff I want to talk about. If this can somehow positively affect the people reading it, or make them learn stuff, then that’s good.
Now what I don’t want this site to become is, something too personal, I’ll try to watch out for that as I keep writing stuff.
That’s it for this page, thanks for sticking along, and have a nice day.