
Dec 2, 2024
Intro Two months ago, I was listening to a podcast on youtube, everything was going fine until I accidentally pressed a numpad key, sending me to a random timestamp on the video. It wasn’t the first time that this happened, the shortcut is pretty easy to hit by mistake.

Sep 15, 2024
It’s been half a year since Majormilk released Super Hidamatsuri, a Hidamari Sketch collaboration 4 years in the making. Back then, I promised him that we would write about this collab more extensively, as we both had a lot to say. Today is that day. This article is co-written by MajorMilk, and also includes a word from some of the participants at the very end. Get ready for a fairly long read as we go over every big moment in the collab-making process.

Jun 19, 2024
In this (fairly long winded) article. I’ll go over the process, from start to end, which led me to writing the ease-copy script for Davinci Fusion. Intro Over the years, I switched my software for making visuals three times: I have used After Effects from 2017 to 2022, Davinci Resolve from mid 2022 to late 2023, and finally switched to Autograph, which I’ve been using ever since.

Jan 22, 2024
I think some people have already seen the long-winded paragraphs I tend to write when it comes to New Game. Because this manga is particularly dear to me, I’ve decided to do one definitive writeup about it, in a format that’s a bit more permanent than Discord messages. If you’re ready to listen to my ramblings, then you may proceed. While always try to derive something meaningful about my writeups on this site, I can’t guarantee that you’ll come out particularly enlightened out of this one, as I’m mostly writing this for myself.

Oct 9, 2023
At the end of 2022, I was finally able to finish all my ongoing collab projects. I was able to enjoy a rare state of comfort in knowing that I had no deadline in sight. So I made it a resolution to not join new collaborations for a while and focus more on personal videos. Right as the new year started, I recieved a private message from Krm.

Jul 21, 2023
On the night of June 30th 2023, I was browsing /a/, until I stumbled upon a particular thread, it was a “daily XXX chapter” thread about a series I’d never heard of before, titled “GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class”. Being a fair enjoyer of Slice of Life and 4komas, I decided to give it a try. I looked the series up and found out it was completed, which convinced me to read it all the more, as I was already following enough ongoing series as-is.
Mar 2, 2023
For maybe the last two years of so, I’ve always felt a bit bad that I’ve got this little parcel of server generously gifted to me, and yet haven’t done anything with it. The idea of making a personal blog has been on my mind for a long time (pretty much ever since I left twitter back in 2020) but I never got around to doing it due to: Laziness A perceived lack of time Me getting too hung up on technological constraints and implementations detail The last point is arguably the biggest setback I encountered, I did an attempt using angular some maybe-9-months-ago but only built a framework to manage content without any content to talk of.